Crop Name Quiz

Welcome to the crop name quiz. Are you familiar with the world's most common crops? Take the Crop Name Quiz to see how much you know. You'll be surprised at what you discover! It is the first step to understanding the various types of plants. Learn more about crops. If you want to know which one is best for you, read on! Here are some of the more common varieties. Try them all and see which one you identify with most.

Sorghum. This plant is a drought-resistant heat-resistant crop. While its overall consumption in Africa has decreased over the years, it remains the fifth most important cereal crop in the world. While the grain's name is sorghum bicolor, it has wild relatives in many countries, including Brazil, Argentina, and Chile. This information may be useful for selecting a variety's name.

Soybean. This plant is a great heat and drought resistant crop. While it is the fifth most important cereal crop worldwide, its overall consumption has declined in many African countries. It is widely grown as a grain, and its edible leaves can be eaten. Sorghum also has a wild cousin known as broomcorn, which is commonly grown as foliage. This quiz will help you learn more about your favorite crop.

What is your Crop Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Crop Name is.