Malagasy Name Quiz

Welcome to the malagasy name quiz. Madagascar is an island country in East Africa with a population of 25 million people. The country's official languages are French and the native Malagasy language. In Madagascar, people are known by their first and last names, with the Merina making up about two-thirds of the population. You can check out what your Malagasy name is by taking the name quiz.

The first step in finding out your Malagasy name is to find out whether it's a short, long or unisex name. The names of people and places in Madagascar are often quite long and difficult to spell and remember. Fortunately, most of the population has short names, such as the capital city Antananarivo, which is short for Tana. But for some people, a long name might not be that appealing. In that case, you might want to try a Malagasy name quiz and find out how your Malagasy name sounds.

A Malagasy name is a combination of two words. You might want to take the quiz if you're not sure what it means. It is a common practice in Malagasy culture to use the function of a name as a personal name. Emmanuel Macron, for example, is the Malagasy word for president and Rapasy means pastor.

What is your Malagasy Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Malagasy Name is.