Old High German Name Quiz

Welcome to the old high german name quiz. If you're a fan of Old High-German names, you may be interested in taking our Old High-German name quiz. If you don't know which one to choose, take our free test to find out. This quiz has over a hundred questions to test your knowledge of the language. Your results can be displayed in your personal profile and can be printed out or shared with friends and family.

If you're looking for the best Old High-German name, try this quiz to find out which one is right for you. The oldest Old High-German name is Hildegard, which is derived from both Hebrew and German. It means 'holy one', 'free woman', and'my God is abundant'. The name Hedwig comes from the Greek word theokleia, which means 'glory of god.' It sounds both traditional and extraordinary. Edith is a common girl's name in Germany.

Another Old High-German name is Leib, meaning'survivor'. It comes from the same root as the Latin name Leib. It has many meanings and is an excellent choice for a boy. If you want to find out more, take our quiz! We've got more than two hundred names to choose from! You might be surprised by your answers!

What is your Old High German Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Old High German Name is.