Ralph Emerson Quote Quiz

Welcome to the ralph emerson quote quiz. Take a Ralph Waldo Emerson Quote Quiz and see if you can figure out his favorite saying. If you know his name, you'll get a higher score. This American philosopher wrote two collections of essays, English Traits and Self-Reliance, which represent the core of his philosophy. Throughout these essays, you'll see how his philosophy relates to your life, and how you can apply it to your own.

Nature never wears a mean face. A wise man doesn't seek its secrets, or try to extort it. He doesn't lose his curiosity in the process. He lives by his own rules and his own convictions. He's never gotten a wrong answer. But he has made a few bad decisions along the way. In his book, "Emerson's Quotations" and "How to Get a Wrong Answer," he shares some of his best quotes and anecdotes.

Think on this: "The only thing that you have is yourself." That's it. You've been created by nature. It's the only thing that matters. And that's why you should never settle for less than you deserve. You must be kind, gentle, and kind. And remember that your actions and words must reflect that. Only then can you find a way to be happy in your life.

What is your Ralph Emerson Quote?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Ralph Emerson Quote is.