Random Act Of Kindness Quiz

Welcome to the random act of kindness quiz. We all love to help others and we can all use a little extra kindness. Giving a compliment to a stranger or helping an elderly neighbor with a task is a great way to spread a smile and make someone's day. This activity is free and doesn't take much time. It will also make a person's day! If you have never given a compliment to someone, you might consider it.

To start, look around you. Who do you see regularly who is taking selfies? Do you see older people or younger people? Do they sit on the sidewalk and take a selfie with their phone? Do you smile at a stranger and give them a friendly nod? Do you often stop to compliment your friends and family? What about strangers? Do they like it when you give them a compliment?

To start, write a nice note for someone outside. Sometimes a simple note can lift their spirits. Similarly, try to smile at a stranger. Another great way to spread kindness is to send someone a card. Poster boards and whiteboards are great ways to spread kindness. If you have children, leave treats on their doorstep. These gestures will show your child that you care.

What is your Random Act Of Kindness?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Random Act Of Kindness is.