The Witcher Kaedwenian Name Quiz

Welcome to the the witcher kaedwenian name quiz. Are you curious about what your name is? Then take our The Wizard of Oz Thesauron Kaedwenian Name Quiz. You will learn your witcher kaedwenian name and the fantasy archetype it fits. You can use this quiz to choose the school you should attend based on your personality.

You have selected the Northern Kingdom of Kaedwen as your character's name. It is the second largest country in the Continent. The capital of the kingdom is Ban Ard. The king of Kaedwen has a violent temper and pursued policies that are radical toward nonhumans. The Scoia'tael units were often at war with Kaedwen, and the local human population massacred its elves. Since then, many of the elves have migrated to the Continent, becoming dwarves.

The Kaedwenian Name Quiz. - What is your character's Kaedwenian Name?? Find out by taking this quiz. Just answer the questions, and get a list of possible names. Once you've decided on your character's Kaedwenian name, you'll be able to choose a character to represent you in the game.

What is your The Witcher Kaedwenian Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your The Witcher Kaedwenian Name is.