Top 30 Love Nickname Names

Welcome to the top 30 love nickname names. A nickname is the shorter version of your name. These top nicknames list is a cool place to find fun, good and cute nicknames to call your girlfriend or boyfriend. Some of these nicknames appear are just goofy but they are listed here because people really calls their lover using these names.

The Top 30 Love Nickname Names List

These are the top 30 Love Nickname Names for 2024.

1. Love Bug
2. Dewdrop
3. Teddy Bear
4. Love Nugget
5. Bubbles
6. Babes
7. Angelface
8. Flufs
9. Honey Pot
10. Baby
11. Gorgeous
12. Mooky
13. Doodle
14. Snuggle Bear
15. Boo Bear
16. Honey
17. Cutie
18. Baby Bear
19. Doodle
20. Dove
21. Twinkle Toes
22. Precious
23. Dimples
24. Kit Kat
25. Rubber Ducky
26. Wiggles
27. Sweetheart
28. My Dear
29. Babydoll
30. Dewdrop

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