Enochian Name Quiz

Welcome to the enochian name quiz. The name Enochian is often associated with angels. This language was recorded in the private journals of Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelley, who claimed that it was a language revealed to them by angels. However, some scholars of magic and occultism believe that the language is constructed. If you're interested in a more mystical, esoteric interpretation of your name, try the Enochian Name Quiz.

The language of Enochian is a form of the Hebrew language. It is not a real language, but it is believed to be an angelic language. It was recorded by John Dee, a priest of the Church of England, in the late sixteenth century. The words in this language were revealed to Dee by angels who he consulted and he said that they were the true language of the angels.

The Enochian language is an occult language, which many claim is an angelic tongue. This language was first recorded in private journals of the late 16th century, by John Dee and Edward Kelley, who were both spirit mediums. According to these researchers, the Enochian language was revealed to them by angels. Today, it is an integral part of Enochian magic.

What is your Enochian Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Enochian Name is.