Georgian Name Quiz

Welcome to the georgian name quiz. You've always wanted to learn more about the Georgian culture, so you've decided to take a Georgian name quiz. There are more than 40 possible Georgian names, so the challenge is on! Find out which one you are and how many times it has been used! Here are some of the top names in Georgia. All of them have interesting stories and interesting origins. Taking a Georgian name quiz can help you understand the history behind your name.

The first letter of your Georgian name is 'Ele.' That means "bright." It has many meanings. Saint Elene is a well-known saint in Constantinople. Another possible Georgian name is 'Ana,' which means 'grace' and is related to a well-known 19th century Georgian military sergeant.

The second letter of your Georgian name is 'Gi'. This is the Georgian form of the Greek word 'Atia', which means "kind." Some people even have the same name in English, as "Giri" is a name of a famous Greek saint. Besides that, you might have a name with the Greek name 'Nino', which means 'kindness'.

A second Greek name is 'Tami'. The meaning of this word varies from country to country. For example, Bachana is a male name, while Tamar is a female name. In the ancient Greeks, the word 'Tamar' referred to a queen of Georgia. It also means 'date palm' in Hebrew. Several girls have nicknames like Tamro, Tamuna, and Tako.

What is your Georgian Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Georgian Name is.