Magic The Gathering God Name Quiz

Welcome to the magic the gathering god name quiz. Choosing a god name for your deck is a personal choice. There are many mythological and magical beings in the Magic universe, and each one has its own unique personality. However, the main difference between them and other cards is that gods are incredibly difficult to kill and can often regenerate. Some of these creatures have a special ability to re-generate without the use of an evergreen keyword, but this has now been removed.

TROCHILUS: This demi-god was the ancestor of the Eleusinian Mysteries. His name means "he who turns," suggesting an association with the wheel used to grind flour. The name was also given to the god of grain, as his father was Zeus. ZEUS: A primordial goddess of the earth, he was the bringer of fire and was superceded by the great Olympian goddess De-meter.

Ephara: This Lawful Neutral god is a mythical figure with a revolving urn, but is best known for his mystical powers. His symbol is a large urn that pours water into the sky. He most often appears as a giant animated statue, adorned in a stone crown, or a blue and white woman. Her urn is accompanied by her companion Circe, and she carries a massive scepter from her shoulder.

What is your Magic The Gathering God Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Magic The Gathering God Name is.