Monkey Name Quiz

Welcome to the monkey name quiz. If you have ever wondered what the names of different types of monkeys are, this quiz will give you the answers. There are even famous animal experts who will answer the questions and give you the details of their names and their personalities. This is an excellent way to test your knowledge of monkeys and learn more about their characteristics. You can also take the quiz to find out what your pet monkey's name is!

There are a number of popular names for monkeys. Some names are derived from Native American tribes, such as the Hopi. Other names include Ampelio, the Italian and Greek forms of the Latin word ampelius. Another popular name for monkeys is Caesar, which is a reference to the movie 'Planet of the Apes'. The Indian language has many names for monkeys, including Hanuman, Harish, and Marcel. These names are commonly used in Hindi and English.

You can also choose your pet monkey's name from the list above. There are many interesting names for monkeys. Depending on the origin of the name, you might end up with a unique name that would catch the attention of other monkeys. The popular 'Spike' is one such example. Other popular names include Tala and Iwazaru. Both are names of Japanese monkeys. King Kong, meanwhile, is a grand ape, and Koko is a western lowland gorilla that is known for understanding more than a thousand signs of the American Sign Language.

What is your Monkey Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Monkey Name is.