Royalty Name Quiz

Welcome to the royalty name quiz. If you are considering becoming a royal, but are unsure about your name, you may be interested in taking the Royalty Name Quiz. These quizzes are based on personality traits, and are a fun way to find out what your name means. Listed below are some names of royals, and what they mean. Take the quiz and find out what your royal name means.

Christina is a Greek name, meaning 'pure, clear'. Princess Camilla is the daughter of Prince William and Kate Middleton, and Princess Charlotte is the daughter of King George III and Kate Middleton. Her royal bearer is Princess Charlotte. Another popular royal name is Caroline, meaning'strong and virile'. Among royals with this name, it is not uncommon for the Queen to give her daughters the name Catherine.

The popularity of William stretches back to the time of the Conqueror, and today there are four British Kings by the name of William the Conqueror. In addition to Princess Charlotte, Prince Harry has four given names, including the more familiar William and Kate. In the same way, names in the Royal Family are rooted in tradition and come from previous generations of British and European royalty.

What is your Royalty Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Royalty Name is.