Star Wars Weequay Name Quiz

Welcome to the star wars weequay name quiz. There are ten unique names for Weequays in the Star Wars universe, and you can take a quiz to find out if one of them is yours. The Weequays are a violent race of humanoids, and their skin is weathered and leathery. They have a topknot of hair on their heads, which tells how long they've been away from home. These Weequays have thick skin that can resist blaster fire, and they tend to be aggressive towards other species.

The popular Weequays include Hondo Ohnaka, who made his debut as Star War's Captain Jack Sparrow in the animated series The Clone Wars. The Weequay was also a character in the spin-off Rebels, and he has made Weequays more than just Sarlacc food. You can find out what your Weequay name is with this Star Trek Weequay name quiz!

The most popular Weequay is Darth Vader, who appeared in the first movie. He was an evil character, but he also had an adorable name. Another popular Weequay is Aayla Secura, a Twi'lek Jedi. Her name is a strong force in the series, and it is a rare name for a female. The original rogue Empire Kid, Jyn, was a Weequay. Her Welsh-language name means "curly head".

What is your Star Wars Weequay Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Star Wars Weequay Name is.