Sylph Name Quiz

Welcome to the sylph name quiz. The name Sylph is an air spirit and isn't found in the Social Security Administration's public records. It is spelled backwards, Hplys, and is pronounced Pshyl. The first word in your name is usually a vowel, so it may not be as memorable as you think. However, a common way to test whether it is memorable is to try saying it out loud.

The name Sylph was first coined by the Swiss German alchemist and physician, Paracelsus. He took earlier stories and developed a systematized treatment of elemental spirits. He named three of them, Gnomes, Salamanders, and Undines, referring to the elements of fire, water, and earth. The name was adopted by the Rosicrucian religion and was extensively encountered in hermetic literature.

The name Sylph is of Anglo-Saxon origin and means mythological sirit of air. The name is often given to a female and it is considered a feminine name. People with the name Sylph are typically Christian. They are adventurous, persistent, and practical. Their names can be a bit mysterious, but they will be happy to explore them.

The sylph is shy and curious. They are often able to blend in with their surroundings and are inseparable, but they have a weak affinity for elves. They are also disdainful of dwarves and have a distrust for them. Halflings and ifrits are good partners. They can be inseparable, but they aren't very good at forming alliances.

What is your Sylph Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Sylph Name is.