Top 100 Crazy Ideas

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The Top 100 Crazy Ideas List

These are the top 100 Crazy Ideas for 2024.

1. Put kindergardens, kennels and retirement homes in the same building
2. If someone is falsely convicted for a crime, and later found not guilty and freed, the person who wrongfully testified against them should spend the same time in prison as the wrongfully convicted.
3. Take a girl on a first date to couples counseling.
4. Take a girl on a first date to couples counseling.
5. A "human society speedrun" show where scientists must develop modern technologies from zero."
6. If you can buy politicians, why not have a crowd funding to buy them for the interests of the people?
7. Porn sites should have "Most Viewed Multiple Times by same Computer" and "Average Percentage of Clip Watched" statistics instead of/as well as "Most Viewed" and "Most Favorited".
8. There should be a place where you can rent Lego sets that you can build
9. Bill Gates should invest in space exploration to advance human understanding of the universe and potentially uncover new resources.
10. A waterpark for adults only. More extreme slides. A wave pool that has huge waves. Alcohol everywhere. And a normal lazy river.
11. A virtual reality experience that simulates being stranded in outer space, floating aimlessly with limited oxygen and a malfunctioning suit.
12. Create an app called Bros Worldwide. It's like a dating site but for finding some bros to chill with when you travel. If you are at home and bored you fire up the app and see if any foreign tourists are in your town that want to get drunk and party with the locals.
13. A conspiracy group dedicated to the idea that chihuahuas are the dog equivalent of grays.
14. Pornhub should do original content. Sitcoms, sex ed documentaries, product reviews...
15. A gym membership where you pay less money the more often you go.
16. Gordon Ramsay should do a series in which he cooks recipes from the Internet, and tries them.
17. Create an app called Bros Worldwide. It's like a dating site but for finding some bros to chill with when you travel. If you are at home and bored you fire up the app and see if any foreign tourists are in your town that want to get drunk and party with the locals.
18. Attach sensors to every car that determine the exact weight of bugs killed while driving. Add up the score at years end and announce the winner on TV. Since bats also kill an impressive amount of bugs, the winner is dubbed Batman and can legally conduct vigilante justice until the next year.
19. After a government shutdown all active members of congress should be ineligible for reelection.
20. Release a breakthrough "autism free" vaccine and market it to anti-vaxxers. Make them exactly the same as current vaccines of course, because it's not like anti-vaxxers would know the difference. Everyone else just shuts up and goes with it, and the whole world gets vaccinated.
21. Develop a reality show where contestants compete to survive in the wilderness using only their smartphones.
22. Start a western themed bar, where the music stops randomly when the door opens, so that everyone can turn around and look at who entered and then go back to their drinks.
23. We should start using "digital penetration" as a term for hacking until it becomes so popular that Fox News and CNN are saying it on-air.
24. Start a western themed bar, where the music stops randomly when the door opens, so that everyone can turn around and look at who entered and then go back to their drinks.
25. A gym membership where you pay less money the more often you go.
26. Technically Correct: the game show. contestants will give the answer as further away from the legit answer as possible yet still technically correct.
27. When Tokyo has the Olympics, they should have Godzilla light the final Olympic Flame.
28. PM the constitution to each other so the NSA will read it.
29. Hang the Mona Lisa from the right field bleachers at Yankee Stadium. The first player to put a ball through it gets to decide whether karaoke remains legal in the US.
30. Power wash the Statue of Liberty to return it back to it's original copper color
31. Donate 1000 shirts with your face on it to your Goodwill and see how long it takes to see a person wearing one in public
32. If you are ever going to be drafted for a war, get “f*ck you” tattooed on the outside of your right pinky. You won’t be able to salute without showing your superior your tattoo and they’ll refuse your draft.
33. Bad driver laser tagging: if a driver gets tagged by more than 5 other drivers in an hour, their car is slowed down and morphed into a penis themed PT Cruiser for the rest of the day. Also, car morphing. That needs to be a thing first.
34. PM the constitution to each other so the NSA will read it.
35. Have 25 kids and name them alphabetically A thru Z, but skip M. If they ever ask about it, suspiciously avoid the question each time.
36. Olympic Games with random people from each country so everyone has a reason to stay fit in case they get picked.
37. Create an app called Bros Worldwide. It's like a dating site but for finding some bros to chill with when you travel. If you are at home and bored you fire up the app and see if any foreign tourists are in your town that want to get drunk and party with the locals.
38. Have a spouse debate, see Bill Clinton take on Melania Trump
39. Bill Gates should start a community project to provide education and skills training for underprivileged youth.
40. Prank people who have just come out of a coma. Get the doctors to dress like confederate soldiers. Dress an old lady in American 1862 garb and have her claim to be the patients wife. Explain- "you were hit by cannon fire in March 1861"
41. Pay prisons by the time ex-inmates stay crime-free after release
42. Bill Gates should invest in space exploration to advance human understanding of the universe and potentially uncover new resources.
43. An app where whenever you come into proximity with another user of the app it plays the Seinfeld theme and you both just pretend you're in a sitcom.
44. Each college class costs $100 extra. Top 10% split the pot at the end of the semester. Incentivizing studying while teaching real world principles.
45. Make bathrooms pay to enter but you get your money back if you wash your hands.
46. A "human society speedrun" show where scientists must develop modern technologies from zero
47. Bill Gates should invest in space exploration to advance human understanding of the universe and potentially uncover new resources.
48. Bill Gates should invest in space exploration to advance human understanding of the universe and potentially uncover new resources.
49. Have North Korea host the next Olympics
50. Have a spouse debate, see Bill Clinton take on Melania Trump
51. Challenge all White Nationalists and Neo Nazis to fight each other to the death for title of Whitest, Neoest Nazi
52. Create an app called Bros Worldwide. It's like a dating site but for finding some bros to chill with when you travel. If you are at home and bored you fire up the app and see if any foreign tourists are in your town that want to get drunk and party with the locals.
53. Collect men's crotch sweat and sell it as tacky glue. Market it based on the fish that it smells like.
54. An AI controlled paintball gun that shoots bird shit out of the air before it falls on your car or body etc
55. A book that contains two stories on alternating pages so that it can be read lying down in bed without having to awkwardly hold it up half the time.
56. If you can buy politicians, why not have a crowd funding to buy them for the interests of the people?
57. If you can buy politicians, why not have a crowd funding to buy them for the interests of the people?
58. Invent a fake pregnancy test app and get women to pee on their phones.
59. Find a Bible, replace all instances of the word 'Father' with 'Daddy'
60. "Topless & Wet", a smoothie bar where none of the blenders have lids.
61. Set your wifi password to 2444666668888888 so that when someone asks for password you can just tell them it's 12345678.
62. There should be a service where professional pranksters can be hired to pull elaborate pranks on friends or family members.
63. A televised snowball fight where both teams consist of MLB pitchers.
64. Answer every question brilliantly at a job interview, ooze professionalism and charisma, but talk in a 'Kermit the Frog' voice the entire time.
65. A reality TV show where billionaires try living on minimum wage for at least a month.
66. Develop a reality show where contestants compete to survive in the wilderness using only their smartphones.
67. Start a western themed bar, where the music stops randomly when the door opens, so that everyone can turn around and look at who entered and then go back to their drinks.
68. A virtual reality experience that simulates being stranded in outer space, floating aimlessly with limited oxygen and a malfunctioning suit.
69. Call a pest control place and say your attic is filled with bats, but instead fill your attic with Baseball Bats. also im drunk.
70. Walk into a bank and request a $10,000,000 loan for the purpose of opening a competing bank.
71. To Disney - Don’t release any trailers or details for Star Wars episode 9, just have blank posters that say Star Wars episode 9 on posters and have 30 second long silent commercials that only say Star Wars episode 9, nothing else.
72. Hold a 5k race for Julian Assange doppelgängers and have it start at the Ecuadorian embassy.
73. Write into your will that you want to be cremated. Before you die, swallow as many popcorn kernals as you can.
74. Bill Gates should start a community project to provide education and skills training for underprivileged youth.
75. PM the constitution to each other so the NSA will read it.
76. A movie where Tom Cruise, Terry Crews, and Penelope Cruz stop Ted Cruz from attacking a cruise ship with cruise missles.
77. You know how we are making meat out of plants? What if we made plants out of meat!
78. A Matrix Prequel where Neo keeps choosing the blue pill over and over again and Morpheus keeps going back with a new argument for the red pill.
79. if you stientists want to see a better environment, perhaps make the current one dope as hell, then humans may care more. we need avatar-like trees! we need dinosaurs!
80. Snickers should do a commercial with Louis C.K. where he's optimistic and cheerful until he eats a snickers.
81. Teach small monkeys how to drive miniature go-karts, replace Greyhound racing with monkey go-kart racing, chasing a giant bushel of bananas or something around the track.
82. Taser tag. Like laser tag, but with tasers.
83. Rate corporations between 0 and 1 based on their effort for not fucking up the environment and society. Multiply every managers salary with this factor
84. A microwave that counts down in milliseconds, then ranks you in an online scoreboard based on how close to zero you can stop it
85. A credit card which has 0$ you can always use for subscription service’s free trials
86. Let people donate blood instead of paying small fines like parking tickets.
87. A Matrix Prequel where Neo keeps choosing the blue pill over and over again and Morpheus keeps going back with a new argument for the red pill.
88. Bill Gates should fund a research project to develop sustainable solutions for climate change.
89. Put a sign up in town stating a $200,000 reward for lost dog that doesn't exist, watch people go nuts.
90. An army of twitter bots that reply to every Trump tweet with 'shut up'
91. Bill Gates should invest in space exploration to advance human understanding of the universe and potentially uncover new resources.
92. Google should buy McAfee, kill the brand and release a final version that completely uninstalls itself.
93. Have a camera surgically implanted in your stomach so you can post pics of your meals just after you've eaten them on Instagram
94. Obama hosts the next season of The Apprentice
95. An airhorn that looks like a Febreze can do you'll always know when someone poops at your house.
96. A conspiracy group dedicated to the idea that chihuahuas are the dog equivalent of grays.
97. use bing
98. Bill Gates should invest in renewable energy initiatives to combat climate change.
99. You know how we are making meat out of plants? What if we made plants out of meat!
100. Technically Correct: the game show. contestants will give the answer as further away from the legit answer as possible yet still technically correct.

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