Top 30 Flat Earth Jokes

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The Top 30 Flat Earth Jokes List

These are the top 30 Flat Earth Jokes for 2024.

1. I was in an argument with a flat Earther. I told him I didn’t believe him. He said he would video himself walking to the edge of the world. He’ll come around eventually.
2. Two flat earthers die and go to heaven. At the pearly gates they have the chance to ask god any questions they want and get truthful answers, so one flat earther asks god "is the earth flat?" to which god answers "No." The flat earther looks at the other and says "this goes higher than we thought".
3. I wasn't always a Flat Earther. In fact, I used to believe the Earth was round... ...until your mom sat on it.
4. I debated a flat earther once he stormed off saying he'd walk to the edge of the earth to prove me wrong. He'll come around, eventually.
5. A flat earther is shown a map of the world "Not only is this world flat as the map truly shows it to be but all the places and physical features are also fictional!" He says "Why do you think that?" Someone asks "Because in the key on the side it says everything is a legend."
6. An anti-vaxxer, a flat-earther and a holocaust denier walked into a bar but got turned down by the bartender.
7. What do you call someone who believes the Earth is flat? A non-globalist.
8. Why Don't We Have a Reality Show Where Flat Earthers Walk to the End of the Earth? Because that would be edgy
9. Why do flat-Earthers think the Earth is flat? Because if the Earth is round, their world would be pointless
10. A flat earther as your Secret Santa A bunch of employees participate in the annual Secret Santa exchange. They all draw a name from the hat. They all say what they want as presents. A woman stands up and jokingly says "I want a bra for my big globes." A man in a serious manner replies "I’ll get you a boob job instead."
11. I heard that the flat earthers are against covid restrictions. It apparently drives them over the edge
12. What is a flat earther's least favorite flavor of gum? Spheremint
13. When a flat-earther finds conclusive evidence against their beliefs...’s important for them to know that it’s not the end of the world.
14. we shouldn't bully flat Earthers or anti Vaxxers just because they have brain damage doesn't mean we get to make fun of them
15. Guys, I'm not saying that Flat Earthers, Anti-Vaxxers, and Creationists are unintelligent people but... there is a reason why shoes with Velcro straps come in adult size.
16. Why are there no highly credited esteemed flat-earthers? Because flattery will get you nowhere.
17. What's the difference between a politician and a flat earther? A politician fools the people and a flat earther fools himself
18. What’s another name for a flat-earther? A Globe-a-phobe.
19. Flat earthers are not very fond of the 2 metre distanceing They claim its pushing some of their members over the edge.
20. Flat earthers are very worried about the pandemic. They are afraid that social distancing measures may push people over the edge.
21. I was a Flat-Earther for 4 years Then I turned 5.
22. the only thing flat earthers fear... Is sphere itself!
23. How many flat earthers does it take to screw in a light bulb Trick question it’s a light disk
24. Why do flat earthers enjoy talking to flight instructors? they tell them 5G might make them sick.
25. Why do Flat-Earthers enjoy the quarantine? They finally get to flatten the curve.
26. Why do flat earthers enjoy talking to flight instructors? they tell them 5G might make them sick.
27. Two flat earthers die and go to heaven. At the pearly gates they have the chance to ask god any questions they want and get truthful answers, so one flat earther asks god "is the earth flat?" to which god answers "No." The flat earther looks at the other and says "this goes higher than we thought".
28. There is a new reality show where flat earthers try to travel to the edge of the world. Unfortunately the finale is not a cliff hanger.
29. Flat earthers are very worried about the pandemic. They are afraid that social distancing measures may push people over the edge.
30. There is a new reality show where flat earthers try to travel to the edge of the world. Unfortunately the finale is not a cliff hanger.

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