Top 50 Flat Earth Jokes

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The Top 50 Flat Earth Jokes List

These are the top 50 Flat Earth Jokes for 2024.

1. What do a kinky lawyer and a flat earther have in common? Pulling evidence out if their ass
2. I want to become a flat earther. But I heard that there is a learning curve.
3. I want to become a flat earther. But I heard that there is a learning curve.
4. My friend was so convinced of flat earth, he said he was going to Antartica to find the edge. He came around eventually.
5. Why didn't the flat-earther accept his award at the ceremony? He didn't believe in golden globes.
6. Flat-Earthers hate the fact our planet is spherical, whereas Asgard is flat. It's a Thor subject for them.
7. What do you call an MTG player who's also a flat-earther? A planeswalker.
8. I was arguing with a flat Earth believer We argued about how many members the flat Earth community had. He said "We have members all around the globe".
9. What if we tell the flat earthers that the answers they are looking for are in Area 51 Then that way we get to watch people storm Area 51 and no one dies that anyone cares about!
10. Flat Earthers vindicated The surface of the earth is approx 70% water. None of it is carbonated, thus proving the earth is flat.
11. What is the difference between Q followers and flat earthers? At least the earth exists!
12. Do you know how flat-earthers call 2020? Panic! At The Disc
13. Do you know how flat-earthers call 2020? Panic! At The Disc
14. Why do flat-Earthers think the Earth is flat? Because if the Earth is round, their world would be pointless
15. we shouldn't bully flat Earthers or anti Vaxxers just because they have brain damage doesn't mean we get to make fun of them
16. A flat Earther goes to heaven. A flat Earther dies while trying to fly in a homemade rocket and goes to heaven. There he meets up with God and says, "Oh Supreme Lord!! Tell me with utmost honesty. Is Earth round or flat ? " God replies, "It is round, my dear child." The flat earther thinks, " Wow ! This whole thing goes much higher than I thought."
17. I was a Flat-Earther for 4 years Then I turned 5.
18. What is the real argument Flat Earthers are trying to use? 2D, or not 2D? That is the question.
19. A Flat-Earther is lost at sea when he sees a boat off in the distance then it disappears.
20. Why didn't the flat-earther accept his award at the ceremony? He didn't believe in golden globes.
21. What's the problem with Flat Earthers? They just can't seem to get a round to it.
22. If the earth really is flat Wouldn't cats have pushed everything off the edge by now?
23. What does a flat-earther do with a ball? He plays Frisbee!
24. What do a flat-earther, a Nazi, and YOU have in common? They all get one vote.
25. Why don't Flat Earthers care if they're having a bad day? They're always on top of the world
26. Why are there no highly credited esteemed flat-earthers? Because flattery will get you nowhere.
27. What’s the difference between a flat-earther and an anti-vaxxer? Their google searches.
28. Dear Flat Earthers What's on the other side of the disk?
29. Flat Earthers vindicated The surface of the earth is approx 70% water. None of it is carbonated, thus proving the earth is flat.
30. I wasn't always a Flat Earther. In fact, I used to believe the Earth was round... ...until your mom sat on it.
31. So I asked my friend who is a flat Earther to keep walking in one direction... I don’t know where he is now, but I know one thing: Best case scenario, one less flat Earther. Worst case scenario: one less flat Earther.
32. A flat-Earther died, and to his surprise found himself standing on a cloud in front of the gates of heaven A flat-Earther died, and to his surprise found himself standing on a cloud in front of the gates of heaven. God himself was there and told him he would be happy to answer any questions the man might have - about anything across the entirety of Space and Time. So of course the man said - "Was I right? Is the earth actually flat?" and God chuckled and said "Of course not". The man shook his head in disbelief, shaken to his very core, before murmuring "...this goes even higher than I thought..."
33. we shouldn't bully flat Earthers or anti Vaxxers just because they have brain damage doesn't mean we get to make fun of them
34. If the earth really is flat Wouldn't cats have pushed everything off the edge by now?
35. Riddle: A flat-earther and a round-earther enter a maze at the same time. They each have a compass, and both know that the exit is on the North end of the maze. Which one exits the maze first? The round-earther exits first, because the flat-earther died of measles while inside.
36. A flat earther is shown a map of the world "Not only is this world flat as the map truly shows it to be but all the places and physical features are also fictional!" He says "Why do you think that?" Someone asks "Because in the key on the side it says everything is a legend."
37. A flat earther snuck into a physics seminar While the speaker was giving a speech on recent developments about gravity, the flat earther shouted, "Why do you even think that gravity is real?" The speaker dropped the mic.
38. Why don't Flat Earthers care if they're having a bad day? They're always on top of the world
39. A flat earther and a round earther were arguing When the flat earther realized he was losing the argument he starts walking away. The round earther faces the other direction and says "I'll see you around"
40. What's a flat-earther's least favorite gun? A revolver.
41. Why couldn't the flat-Earther fit his luggage in his car? No space.
42. My flat-earther friend was diagnosed by a psychologist He suffers from very sphere delusions.
43. What's a flat-earther's least favorite gun? A revolver.
44. I agree with Flat Earthers on every thing except that the Earth is Flat
45. Flat earthers are very worried about the pandemic. They are afraid that social distancing measures may push people over the edge.
46. Dear Flat Earthers What's on the other side of the disk?
47. Today a flat earther friend of mine told me the earth was as as flat as my sense of humor. I told him his girlfriends ass would've been a better comparison.
48. A flat Earther goes to heaven. A flat Earther dies while trying to fly in a homemade rocket and goes to heaven. There he meets up with God and says, "Oh Supreme Lord!! Tell me with utmost honesty. Is Earth round or flat ? " God replies, "It is round, my dear child." The flat earther thinks, " Wow ! This whole thing goes much higher than I thought."
49. The real reason for the missing of many flat-earthers in recent weeks as suggested by their friends of similar thought The Flat Earth Society has reported that the 6 foot social distancing measures have led to the pushing of some of their members over the edge.
50. What's the difference between a politician and a flat earther? A politician fools the people and a flat earther fools himself

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