Top 50 Magic The Gathering Praetor Names

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The Top 50 Magic The Gathering Praetor Names List

These are the top 50 Magic The Gathering Praetor Names for 2024.

1. Berynthor
2. Nyxisara
3. Mystrava
4. Elmirylth
5. Dracolara
6. Jyrellion
7. Xyndoria
8. Pyralitha
9. Quelanthor
10. Zephyrion
11. Wyndalith
12. Galdorix
13. Hylerintha
14. Kaelindra
15. Vyntharis
16. Elmirylth
17. Jyrellion
18. Draegonar
19. Lysanthis
20. Galdorix
21. Glyndaris
22. Taelarix
23. Galdorix
24. Orynthius
25. Nycthorias
26. Draegonar
27. Hylerintha
28. Rhydoria
29. Ylvatrix
30. Rhydoria
31. Scylderon
32. Nyxisara
33. Ignystara
34. Aleothor
35. Nycthorias
36. Eryndela
37. Brimothius
38. Draegonar
39. Cymorthian
40. Quelanthor
41. Hylerintha
42. Taelarix
43. Taelarix
44. Larynthia
45. Scylderon
46. Dracolara
47. Orynthius
48. Mystralos
49. Xyndoria
50. Xyndoria

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