World Of Warcraft Trogg Name Quiz

Welcome to the world of warcraft trogg name quiz. You're a level 30 humanoid, and you've decided to take the World of Warscraft Trogg Name Quiz! You have chosen the species of the subterranean humanoids called Troggs. The word "trogg" means cave dweller, and it is a common description for them. The race has no special abilities, and they live in caves. They are the last of the original Titans, and are a persistent foe of dwarves.

Ogres have many names, including: Derr'ot, the leader of the ogre clan, Gorg, and Zog. Some of the best-known ogres in the game have been named Zathomgir, Drogam, and Zucal'hath. Some of the most famous and terrifying ogres include Blackheart, the leader of the Stonemaul clan, and Mok'Morokk, the former head of the Ango'rosh tribe.

Despite the wide variety of names of ogres in 'World of Warscraft', a lot of ogres have similar names. There's the ogre leader, Derr'ot, and the ogre priest, Zucal'hath. Some of the more famous ogre names include Blackheart, Zathomgir, and Zathomgir. Some ogres are named after people from popular fiction, including Shrek and his wife Fiona.

What is your World Of Warcraft Trogg Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your World Of Warcraft Trogg Name is.