Afrikaner Name Quiz

Welcome to the afrikaner name quiz. Did you know that you could have a unique name if you speak Afrikaans? There are several variations of Afrikaans names, including Theolinde (meaning soft people), Fabunni (meaning blessing), and Francois, which is the French version of Isabel. In addition to these, there are many other Afrikaans names, including Itha, which means 'industrious one'. Jacomie, a variant of Vivienne, is a feminine form of James. Other popular feminine variations of this name include Jadine, which comes from the Arabic name Gazal. Lastly, there are some short names of African origin: Jan, which means 'gift of God', and Zea, which means 'light' in Hebrew.

A few of the more common forms of the Afrikaner name Marie are Lolonyo, meaning love is beautiful, and Lodewikus, which means war. If you want to have a unique name with more ethnic roots, you might consider the names Lerato and Willemina. Both of these mean 'love' and mean 'hope'. The French name Ricus, however, is unusual. It means'midnight,' and is used for a boy.

An Afrikaans baby name that means 'high tower' is Lorelei. A similar name, Erco, is a diminutive of Erko, which means 'eternal ruler'. Another popular name of this kind is Esca, which is an amalgamation of the French and Inuit names, which mean 'a creek'. The meaning of these names is quite diverse, but there are also many examples of Afrikaans names that are both unique and memorable.

What is your Afrikaner Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Afrikaner Name is.