Akkadian Name Quiz

Welcome to the akkadian name quiz. The Akkadian language has a rich history. During the ancient times, the city of Agade was the capital of the Akkadian Empire. It was founded by the Semitic conqueror Sargon in 2350 B.C.E. Sargon united the city-states in the region and expanded his rule to encompass most of Mesopotamia. His kingdom comprised of both the Sumerians and the native Akkadians. The Akkadian language is a fascinating language that contains many fascinating details. For example, the name Sargon means "true king" in the Arabic language. Although this name might suggest that Sargon had no right to the throne, it is important to note that he did conquer the great empire of Uruk. His father was Enheduanna, the first author to be known by a given full name in history. Your name is an excellent choice for a unique, historical perspective. The Akkadian people were the first multi-national civilization in history, encompassing various Sumerian kingdoms. The empire's first ruler, Sargon of 'Akkad,' reigned in the 24th to 23rd centuries BCE, and he was the father of Enheduanna, the first author ever to be known by name.

What is your Akkadian Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Akkadian Name is.