Amazigh Name Quiz

Welcome to the amazigh name quiz. The Tuareg name Iken means 'orderly'. It also means'strong' and 'eagle'. The word "Izil" translates as "great". It is a noble and fearless name. The Tuareg language includes the Amazigh and the Berber languages. It is the oldest known language in Africa. Amazigh names can be derived from many languages, including the French and the Arabic.

The word 'tadla' is used to refer to trees, while 'tafrara' stands for dawn. The word 'tafsut' is derived from the word 'tree', which also means 'branch.' The Amazigh people are very pious, and their names tend to be long and complicated.

The Amazigh are native to North Africa, and in the West, they are commonly known as the Berbers. While the Imazighen have their own language and name, they prefer to be called by their own. The name "thmazight" is the collective name of their people. The term "amazigh" is a masculine singular noun, whereas 'thmazight' is a feminine singular noun.

The Amazigh people have long inhabited North Africa. They are the descendants of Berbers, and today they spread throughout much of North Africa, Europe, and Asia. The Amazigh speak a variety of languages, and the names reflect this. Some may be hard to pronounce, but the Amazigh are very unique. If you're interested in finding out more about their culture and how it's represented in their names, try the Amazigh Name Quiz. What is Your Amazighname?

What is your Amazigh Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Amazigh Name is.