Ancient Egyptian Name Quiz

Welcome to the ancient egyptian name quiz. The ancient Egyptians used a system of hieroglyphs, where double letters in a name are pronounced twice and underlined. This system helped people identify their names. The ancients preferred neat and orderly names, so if your name starts with an 'e' or 'y', you will need to look at the other letters to make sure they are not silent.

What is your Egyptian name? You can learn more about your ancient name by taking this quiz. You can find out what your ancestors called you and other ancient Egyptians who were named after gods. The goddess Seshat was the patron goddess of writing, notations, and measurements. She was the consort of Thoth, the god of wisdom, and she was revered by the ancient Egyptians. She was the patron of libraries and was worshipped by the workers at Deir el-Medina.

Sekhmet is a leonine goddess associated with the Nile River and the Milky Way. Nekhbet was a personification of fertility and the Mediterranean Sea. The ram-like deity Banebdjedet was the epitome of the Mother Goddess, associated with the king Mendes. In later years, her name was changed to Osiris.

What is your Ancient Egyptian Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Ancient Egyptian Name is.