Anglo Saxon Name Quiz

Welcome to the anglo saxon name quiz. The Anglo-Saxons did not have surnames. They were known by the first part of their name, which was a title. These names showed what they were capable of doing, their place of birth and their marital status. The Anglo-Saxons used a few different styles of surnames. Among these styles are those that are connected to occupation and place.

The suffix "gau" is common in early Germanic names. It can be found in the name "Blackmore" or "Moore" (the latter is a female form). The French and Germanic varieties of these names have the suffix "-gaud" and are derived from the Saxon word for wood. Several places are named after streams and rivers, and some are geographically specific. Anglo-Saxon surnames include: Gautees (on the River Tees), Pickersgill (in a stream with pike), Hope and Holm (a raised piece of land in a fen), and Fleet and Bourne, which are both estuaries.

The suffix "-man" is also very common in Anglo-Saxon names. The most popular of these is "smith," which would have been the Norman equivalent of farrier. Ironworkers would have been ferriers, and those names show up in surnames such as Farrah, Farrar, and Garret. In Celtic, the smith occupation was called gobha, and these surnames are Gow, Gowan, and Gove.

What is your Anglo Saxon Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Anglo Saxon Name is.