Animal Crossing Town Name Quiz

Welcome to the animal crossing town name quiz. There are hundreds of possible names for your animal community. But which one is the most popular? Unlike the game, you don't have to make up a name for your town - a generator will do the rest for you! Take this quiz and see what others think your town should be called. You can also create a name for your island in Animal Crossing New Horizons!

If you have an Animal Friend, you can name him or her by their names! You can also choose an animal character's name and give him a nickname if he doesn't like it. Some animals have unique names, including Adison, which means "son of Adam." But, don't worry - you can always get the same name for your character.

Taking this quiz will help you choose a unique name for your village. For example, Abner means "father of light," which is an unusual pronunciation! But don't worry, you can use your own name. Many of the names are based on famous TV shows, such as Friends or The Simpsons. Just remember that you can change a villager's name whenever you like.

What is your Animal Crossing Town Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Animal Crossing Town Name is.