Armenian Name Quiz

Welcome to the armenian name quiz. If you want to know more about Armenian names, take an Armenian Name Quiz. The Armenian alphabet is unique, and some of the surnames end in -ian. This suffix means "possession" or "belonging." You can also read the meaning of a name in the following list. The last name is always an o. You can learn more about this form of name on the FamilySearch wiki.

In addition to the personal name, you will also discover the surname. Among the many names for this group are Ghasab, and Grigor. These are all Western Armenian names and come from the Arabic word for "butcher." Another Armenian name is Hayrapet, which means "son of Hayrapet." The Armenian variant of the first-name Ohaniesian is Ohaniesian, which comes from the first-name Yovhannes, which is a rendition of John. Hovhannes, meaning'son of Hovhannes', is also an 'Armenian' name that has roots in Persian and Iranian culture. This name is a derivative of the Arabic word hovhanno, which means "holy."

What is your Armenian Name? Try an Armenian Name Quiz and discover your name's unique history. The country's oldest vineyards and oldest churches are in Armenia. If you want to make a statement about your ethnicity, you can use the results to help your child choose a name that means something to them. And don't forget to tell them about your cultural heritage by using the name.

What is your Armenian Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Armenian Name is.