Avatar Tla Name Dragons Name Quiz

Welcome to the avatar tla name dragons name quiz. If you're looking for a cool Avatar TLA name, you've come to the right place. This quiz will help you choose your new Avatar TLA name. You can use the answers to create your own unique personality and identify your true passions and skills. Try it out today! It's free, fun, and will make you feel great!

There are four possible names in the series. The first is Zuko, a member of the Sun Warriors. He has the powers of fire, but is cursed with a sexy personality. His name is Xiao. His father was the infamous Toph Bei Fong, a blind dragon controller. His son Wan, a fire lion turtle, was banished to a remote island called the Spirit Wilds. In his travels to the spirit world, he meets a white dragon that performs intricate movements in the sky. Wan is the first human to learn the Dancing Dance technique, the oldest of all firebending techniques.

Chit Sang, the daughter of the Chief Arnook of the Northern Water Tribe. He was almost killed at birth and pleaded with the Moon Spirit to save his daughter. Later, he travelled with his wife Lily and learned the ways of the world. He helped Aang find Omashu and the Cave of Two Lovers. The eponymous Chow, who is a fruit merchant in the Earth Kingdom and Mako's uncle, was also a part of the series.

What is your Avatar Tla Name Dragons Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Avatar Tla Name Dragons Name is.