Belgian Name Quiz

Welcome to the belgian name quiz. If you have a French or German origin, your first name may be Deman, meaning "diamond". In Flemish, it means "shepherd." Similarly, English-born Finn is a popular choice. It is a common surname in Belgium, where its pronunciation reflects its Germanic roots. Other popular Belgian names include: Davet, which means gatekeeper, Finley, which means "wise ruler," and Roger, which means "little owl." Other unique names include: Hayden, which means "hill", Hunter, which means "beam", and Tretan, which means'son of Priam.'

French names include Chanelle, which means canal, and Breton, which means river. Some of the best first names in Belgium are from this region, such as Jo, which means "Jehovah increases." Other popular first names include Parker, which means "manager of a park." Despite its unusualness, the most popular Belgian names for babies include Mickey, which means "closest to God".

What's your first name? Most likely, it's French-inspired. The French-derived Paris is the most popular first name in Belgium, and has long been in style. It's a Latin version of Mary, which is one of the most famous French names. Alternatively, you can try Phoenix, which has Greek origins, and Monique, which means "warlike". Other popular Belgian names include Daphne, Perhata, and Devon, which mean "glorious."

What is your Belgian Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Belgian Name is.