Bomb Name Quiz

Welcome to the bomb name quiz. The name "Bomb" is often confused with that of an atomic bomb. Its name comes from the atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima during World War II. While a 'Bomb' can have any number of names, the question "What is my Bomb Name?" is an excellent way to find out more about the history of this deadly weapon. The first atomic weapons were developed as far back as 1945, and the development of these weapons began during the Manhattan Project.

The Trinity test was a landmark event in the history of the nuclear era. It was the first nuclear explosion to be successfully detonated and was a major milestone in the development of weaponry. It took three weeks for the United States to successfully detonate a hydrogen bomb. However, the name remained popular, as it was inspired by one of the poet's favorite poems, "Trinity."

The name of the bomb was inspired by a famous poem by John Donne. The test site was on the Alamagordo Bombing Range, which is also known as the "Journey of Death." On May 7, 1945, the elaborate instrumentation surrounding the Trinity test site was finally tested with large conventional explosives. The testing continued into June and July, and three observation bunkers were erected ten thousand yards from ground zero.

What is your Bomb Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Bomb Name is.