Bouquet Name Quiz

Welcome to the bouquet name quiz. Have you ever asked yourself: What is my bouquet called? This quiz will help you answer this question. There are many popular flowers, each with their own common and scientific names. Take the quiz to find out your bouquet's name. The results are always a treat. By the end of it, you'll know exactly what it's called! Hopefully, this quiz will help you to make your bouquet perfect.

The first flower to answer is the bluebell, a beautiful, fragrant bloom that looks like a bell hanging from its stem. Another flower that is named after the god Apollo is the hyacinth. This springtime favorite has many beautiful colors, including purple, white, and yellow. The name Iolanthe comes from Greek, and the lotus tree is a mythological symbol of wisdom. In addition to being a plant, the lotus has many uses, including in religious practices. It was also a goddess of the moon, and is a popular cut flower.

Amarilla, which is short for Amarilla, is another flower with many uses. It means "to sparkle," and is often used to describe a lily-like bloom. The genus Erica is a flowering shrub whose name is the feminine form of the masculine Eric. The plant has green pin-like leaves and a variety of red, yellow, and purple flowers.

What is your Bouquet Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Bouquet Name is.