Boxer Name Quiz

Welcome to the boxer name quiz. Take our fun Boxer Name Quiz. What is your boxer's nickname? The names of boxers vary wildly from the comical to the serious. You could be a Lioness, Venus, Million Dollar Baby, or even a "girlfight." You could also be an ancient Greek goddess of wisdom, Athena, or one of many other popular characters. A more serious name for a boxer might be Jubilee, a reference to the Kick-Ass films and comics. Or, if you're a woman, you might prefer a female name, such as Blondie or "The She-Devil."

This quiz can be helpful for anyone who loves boxing. You might not know all the names of the famous boxers, and this test will help you choose your favorite one. Try the quiz to see what your name would be in the world of boxing. Some names might surprise you, such as Geisha, Half Pint, A Woman Scorned, Mama Bear, or The Flawless.

The names of boxers can be derived from many things, including the names of famous fighters. If you've fought in the past, you'll see some interesting names that you may not have otherwise thought of. You can also take the quiz to find out more about your boxer. You can learn more about your own boxer's history by taking the quiz. You'll be able to identify with other famous fighters and learn a lot more about yourself.

What is your Boxer Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Boxer Name is.