Brazilian Name Quiz

Welcome to the brazilian name quiz. To find out if you have a Brazilian surname, take this name generator quiz. The names it generates are all Portuguese, or Portuguese-influenced. However, you may have another origin besides Portuguese. Try a few of the options to find your true Brazilian surname. It's easy to get confused if you don't know what you're looking for. This simple quiz will help you discover what your name means.

The country of Brazil is located in South America. The country was named after the tree called the 'pau brasil'. The wood of this tree is red and looks like a burning ember. It's the national flower of Brazil. It produces yellow flowers and the Brazilian name 'Brasilia' is its common name. In addition to being the national tree, the pau brasil is used to create a dye. This dye is called Brazilin, and has been used for centuries.

It's a popular Brazilian surname. A typical Portuguese surname, Silva, was originally given to slaves during the Portuguese occupation of the country. It's common to hear people call one another by a nickname, but many people in Brazil go by two or more names. The Brazilian president, Lula, has nicknames, as do doctors. The phone book of Claudio lists its inhabitants by their nicknames.

What is your Brazilian Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Brazilian Name is.