Brownie Name Quiz

Welcome to the brownie name quiz. What are your favorite brownie recipes? Try this quiz to see. The first step is to decide what kind of brownie you would like to make. Then choose a name that fits your personality. You can also get the name of the person in charge of the program. For example, you might be the Queen of the Universe, or you might be a princess. There's no wrong answer.

You might be surprised to learn that Brownies were named after the elfin characters in Palmer Cox's books. The Eastman Kodak Brownie camera is also named after them. They both began their careers as a child with the same name. Then, in 1914, Lord Baden-Powell started the Girl Guides. This organization was founded by women who were in their early twenties and thirties. In 1869, they were called Rosebuds, but Lord Baden-Powell changed it to "Brownies" after girls complained that they were too cute for the name. They were small and had brown skin and hair, and they occasionally played pranks on houses. A Ukrainian man opened a museum dedicated to the history of the Brownies.

Did you know that Brownies were inspired by folk tales? They were the first people to organize Girl Guides and Scouts and are made up of young girls. The group consists of girls aged seven to ten. Originally named Rosebuds, they gained their new name after Lord Baden-Powell heard complaints from the girls. It's said that the name originated in a short story by Juliana Horatia Ewing, published in 1870.

What is your Brownie Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Brownie Name is.