Burmese Name Quiz

Welcome to the burmese name quiz. Your first name is important to you, and it may be different than you think. In Burma, personal names are usually one to four words in length and are gender-specific. Families may also have different names for each member of the family. In some cases, parents will combine parts of their own names into their child's name. For example, the Aye in Daw Mya Aye might come from the mother's maiden name.

In Myanmar, people use titles prefixed to their names. A boy born on a Thursday will be known as Maung until he is about twenty years old. A girl born on a Thursday will be called Daw Mya Aye. In the country, a woman born on a Thursday will be called Maung, whereas a boy will be addressed as Maung.

The Burmese people do not have a patronymic or matronymic system. Therefore, they can change their names at any time. There are many honorifics in the language. For example, a son of U Sein Tun might be called Maung Saw Tin. His wife, Daw Mya Aye, may be called Daw Mya Aye.

What is your Burmese Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Burmese Name is.