Celtic Name Quiz

Welcome to the celtic name quiz. Have you ever wondered about the origin of your name? There are many elements to Celtic lore that you can find interesting. A Gaelic name is a unique combination of the Irish and the Scottish. The meaning of your name varies from culture to culture. It may mean a lot of different things, but in general, it can mean caring, loyal, or brave. Taking a Celtic name quiz is a fun way to learn more about the Celtic tradition.

For example, your name may mean something different to you than it does to the average person. Brian Boru is a Gaelic name that means 'high, noble, and strong.' It was given to a high king in Ireland as a result of his heroics, and it's still used today. The Gaelic word for 'brigh' also means 'brilt'.

If you're wondering what your Celtic name is, you can take the Celtic Name Quiz and find out! You'll learn the meaning of the Gaelic word Maebh. This ancient goddess of wisdom and knowledge only dated men of equal skill. She's high maintenance, and a great deal of fun. You'll find out who your real personality is by taking this quiz.

What is your Celtic Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Celtic Name is.