Chivalric Order Name Quiz

Welcome to the chivalric order name quiz. In the Middle Ages, knightly orders were formed for various purposes. Many of them were named after colorful characters, such as the Plantagenets and Richard the Lionheart, as well as the broom plant. Some of them were open to women, and the first female knights fought alongside their male counterparts in Tortosa, Spain in 1149.

The chivalric order was first created by King George V in the early 13th century and honored the service of its soldiers. Its code of honor, fairness, chastity, and truth guided the behavior of its members. Originally, these orders were aimed at protecting the Church and guarding the Pope, but over time the orders began to focus on serving royalty instead.

The most famous chivalric order is the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, which honors service to Britain. It was founded in the eleventh century CE by King George V. Its members have included singer Adele, the parents of a child murdered by a thief, and even David Cameron's hairdresser! The rules and requirements for the MBE are very strict, and it is difficult to find out if you've been chosen for the prestigious Order.

What is your Chivalric Order Name? - Take the quiz to find out! It's easy! Most of these names are derived from chivalric orders. The Order of the Dragon was founded by King John the Good in 1351 CE, and the Order was later recognized by the Catholic Church. In a battle in Brittany, half of the members were killed by the dragon.

What is your Chivalric Order Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Chivalric Order Name is.