Colonial American Name Quiz

Welcome to the colonial american name quiz. Have you ever wondered what your ancestors would have named you? This name generator gives you 10 random names from the colonial era, focusing on English names. Some of these names have become very popular, while others are not. The following are some examples of popular names from the Colonial era. Using the name generator can help you decide if your name is a good choice for a baby.

Elizabeth, Margaret, John, and William were all popular names in the Colonial period. While the majority of new settlers were religiously inclined, many names remained English-based. The four most popular female names were Elizabeth, Margaret, and Mary, while the top-ranking male names were George, John, and William. These names are still popular today, though. They were also used by slaves and Native Americans.

Did your ancestors have any favorite names? Do you have a favorite? Try our quiz! You may be surprised to find out what your ancestors were called. Among the early settlers, many of them used unusual styles of naming children. For instance, you might like a name that came from an obscure Greek word. Or you might enjoy the idea of an adventurous, dreamy name.

What is your Colonial American Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Colonial American Name is.