Croatian Name Quiz

Welcome to the croatian name quiz. Many of your favorite names have Croatian roots. Dubravka, for example, is a feminine form of David, meaning "beloved." Another popular name, Filip, means "love of horses." If you are unsure of your ethnic heritage, you can try the Croatian surname quiz to find out. You can also find out your personal meaning by taking the free, fun quiz.

What is your Croatian name? A short answer will tell you if you have a Serbian or a Croatian heritage. The first two letters of your name are usually quite similar. The second letter stands for "slav," which is the first letter of your family name. Your name could be a diminutive of these two letters. The third letter is the most common variant. A few other possibilities include: Slavenka, which is a diminutive of Peter, Ana, meaning "favour", Bozica, a shortened version of Krunoslav, or Ljubo, meaning "peace". The last letter is an acronym for Eve, one of the oldest female first names in history. The last letter is the feminine form of Tihomir, which means peace and endurance.

The names below are not exclusive to Croatia. Many of them are used all over the world in Croatia and elsewhere. For example, the name Alma is popular in America and other European countries. In the United States, it has been given to people named after famous figures like Nikola Tesla and Nicolai Bárán. If your name sounds like a Croatian surname, it will be difficult for you to hide your ethnicity.

What is your Croatian Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Croatian Name is.