Doctor Who Sontaran Name Quiz

Welcome to the doctor who sontaran name quiz. In the Doctor Who universe, the Sontarans are bulky clones of humans. They have a large head, three fingers, and a thumb. Unlike human beings, however, their names are relatively short. You can also include titles or rank when choosing a name for a sontaran. You will need to take the quiz to learn which one is best for you.

The Sontarans were first introduced in the fifth Doctor's story "Heroes of the sontar". They were sent to Earth to fight off an enemy that threatened their race. The story later featured them in The Five Companions, and the alternative Death Zone. In the mid-80s, Big Finish Productions featured them in a Lost Story, The Firsts. In the story, they are humans and Rutans living on nineteenth-century Earth.

The Sontarans first appeared in the series in the 2013 Christmas special, "The Time of the Doctor." They later made an appearance in the 2015 episode "Face the Raven" as refugees. The first episode featuring the Sontarans was "The Horror of Fang Rock." The Fourth Doctor's story in the series was the final time the race appeared in the show.

What is your Doctor Who Sontaran Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Doctor Who Sontaran Name is.