Dragon Age Human Name Quiz

Welcome to the dragon age human name quiz. When choosing a name for yourself, it's important to think of your character's characteristics and personality. A long name is a pain to say, and a short one is usually easier to remember. The best names are memorable, easy to fit in people's subconscious minds, and easy to pronounce. Try saying your name loudly and see if you can guess it.

Male and female human names sampled in the quiz include Aveline the Knight (a popular Orlesian folk hero). Many women were inspired by her, and many have become knights and chevaliers of their own. The game's Aveline Vallen was named after her, and she has lived up to her name. While she has a surprisingly high number of positive attributes, she's still a male, so she's probably a good choice for a female character.

The following sample male and female names are Tal-Vashoth. A female human's name is Aban, while a male's is Astrid. A male's name can be either Bertil, Dietmar, Helsdim, or Olaf. Other sample clan names include Stone-Bear Hold, Wyvern Hold, and Red-Lion Hold. There are also sample legend marks, like Bright-Hair, First-Thaw, Feather-Fall, and Awning.

What is your Dragon Age Human Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Dragon Age Human Name is.