Drug Name Quiz

Welcome to the drug name quiz. Most medications are sold under one of two names: generic and brand. The generic name is assigned by the United States Adopted Numbers Council and is the same for all drugs. Brand names are developed by the companies that manufacture the drug and are capitalized over the generic name. For example, Motrin is a brand name for ibuprofen, while Advil is the brand-name for ibuprofen.

TENOFOVIR: this antiviral medication is used to treat HIV. The chemical name is tenofovir. The researchers who developed this drug named it this way, but they also added syllables to make the name more memorable. These syllables are the same for the generic drug LEVOTHYROXINE and the brand-name version, so if you have no idea which one yours is, take the quiz!

TENO-FOV-R is a popular antiviral drug. It's derived from the chemical name tenofovir. While the name might sound a bit boring, it's not. It is actually the name of a prescription medication for treating HIV infection. Its name was chosen by scientists at the University of Wisconsin. Then, the scientists added the syllable of their choice to the word.

What is your Drug Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Drug Name is.