Dylan Moran Quote Quiz

Welcome to the dylan moran quote quiz. What is your favorite Dylan Mortan Quote? This quiz can help you decide! Take this fun test to find out what's your favorite quote from the Irish comedian. You'll be able to identify your personal favorites from the comedian and determine which ones you need to re-read. This Quiz will help you decide what kind of comedy Dylan does best. By taking this quiz, you'll be able to choose your favorite quotes from his career!

Aside from his stand-up comedy, Moran has acted in movies and television shows, including the acclaimed Run Fatboy Run (1996) and the comedy film Shaun of the Dead (2005). He has also made appearances on the BBC America comedy show Comedy Live Presents. The actor has also appeared in numerous commercials. His most popular work includes "Dark City" from the James Bond movie Apocalypse and "Ghostbusters" from the Disney Channel.

How do you think your favourite Dylan Muran Quote is? Try the quiz below! Just be honest - you'll be surprised! You'll be surprised to find out how many people agree with this comedian, and which are completely opposite. Taking the quiz will help you identify your personality! It's a fun way to learn more about Dylan Moran! You'll learn about the man behind the quotes in this quiz!

What is your Dylan Moran Quote?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Dylan Moran Quote is.