Elder Scrolls Chimer Name Quiz

Welcome to the elder scrolls chimer name quiz. As mentioned above, the Chimer are a race of Mer descended from the Aldmer. The differences between the Chimer and other Mer are subtle, but they all share guttural tones. Take our quiz to find out whether your name fits that category. If you're unsure, check out the list of famous Chimer for more information!

What is your Elder Scrolls Chimer Name, and why do you want it? The Chimer are gold-skinned elves who turned to the Daedra after their long reign. After the first two eras, the Septim dynasty was almost over. Jagar Tharn reigned for a decade. The war with the Dragons also happened in the Third Era. There are two notable events during this time period: the second Dragon Break and the War of Red Diamond.

Which House are you? The Dwemer were the only people in the Elder Scrolls to be completely religious. The Dwemer were scientific and not terribly religious. This led to conflict between them and their people, especially after they began using the Heart of Lorkhan to gain immortality. However, the Dwemer were upset and sought to punish them for the use of the abomination.

What is your Elder Scrolls Chimer Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Elder Scrolls Chimer Name is.