Elder Scrolls Imperial Name Quiz

Welcome to the elder scrolls imperial name quiz. Are you an Emperor? Or, a common thief? Are you an adventurer looking to find a treasure trove? You can take the Elder Scrolls Imperial Name Quiz to learn what your character's real name is. It isn't as hard as you might think! It only takes a few minutes to answer a few questions and you can know your character's true name in a matter of minutes.

Your name will be an important part of your personality and appearance, and you should take the quiz to find out. You can also look up your family names to find out how similar they are to a Cyrodiil's. These are the most common names for players of the ESO, but you can also get a name from your friends if you are a Cyrodiil!

A Cyrodiil's name is one of the most interesting in the Elder Scrolls series. The first ruler of the Alessian Empire, Queen Alessia, is the most popular of these characters. She is a well-educated, cultured woman, and founded the Nine Divines religion. Her name is Morihaus, a pit fighter and a leader who brought an end to the Ayleid Hegemony.

What is your Elder Scrolls Imperial Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Elder Scrolls Imperial Name is.