Elizabethan Name Quiz

Welcome to the elizabethan name quiz. You can use this quiz to find out what your Elizabethan name is. Just answer a few questions about your name and the period in which it was used. This will help you decide if you've been given an unusual name or if your Elizabethan name is more appropriate for the time period. If you're unsure, you can always look up the names of the famous people from the time period and see if you can spot yourself in a crowd.

The English Renaissance period saw great growth in the arts. Performance arts made the biggest contribution to English and world culture. Queens such as Queens Margaret and Elizabeth enjoyed the theatre and regularly hosted performances in their royal residences. The image of the Virgin Queen was carefully managed. In order to please her people, she sacrificed her personal life for the welfare of the country. Shakespeare and Edmund Spenser were prolific during the Elizabethan era.

The period of the Elizabethan era was characterized by an explosion in the arts. Performance arts became the most important part of English and world culture during the Elizabethan period. In fact, the Queen herself was a passionate lover of the performing arts and regularly hosted performances in her royal residences. The Queen was also a huge supporter of the arts and supported many artists and playwrights.

What is your Elizabethan Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Elizabethan Name is.