Ethiopian Name Quiz

Welcome to the ethiopian name quiz. What is your Ethiopian name? Try this quiz to find out! It will give you a chance to meet other people with similar names and learn about the unique cultures that are part of the region. Take the quiz now to find out! There are several names that have Ethiopian roots and have been popular in the United States. These names can be very inspiring and fun to use! The quiz is a fun and educational way to learn about different cultures and their names.

The name Ife, for instance, is an Ethiopian name of Arabic origin, which means 'love'. In English, it resembles American and European names such as Eva and Ava. Another popular name in Ethiopia is Zoya, which means 'dawn' and is derived from the Arabic language. It is also widely used in the U.K. and U.S.

Some Ethiopian names are more common than others. For example, Menelik, meaning 'wise', is a popular choice. A similar name for girls is Desta, meaning 'joy'. Other Ethiopian names include Fana, which means 'jungle,' and Eddel, which means 'luck'. Other names include Eden, which refers to the Garden of Eden and Kadida, which means'she who brings happiness'.

What is your Ethiopian Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Ethiopian Name is.