Eve Online Gallente Name Quiz

Welcome to the eve online gallente name quiz. In the EVE Online universe, there are three types of people: the British, the French, and the Indians. If you don't know what to choose for your first name, you can use the EVE Online Gallente Name Generator. This tool will give you 10 random names from the Gallente race. Once you've chosen your name, you can copy the names to your clipboard and change them later.

The Amarr empire, the largest in New Eden, is ruled by the Amarr Empress. The Amarrs are devoutly religious and a theocratic society. Their military is strong and their government is the most powerful. Amarrs are one of the few races that are tolerant of immigrants. Their welcoming nature has made them popular among people of all races.

In EVE Online, you can choose between two different groups. The Gallente are the most common faction, and the Intaki are the most popular. The Intaki are known for their technology and have experimented with consciousness transfer for centuries. They have also made many advances in Jump Clones and cloning tech. So, take the EVE Online Galente Name Quiz and find out!

What is your Eve Online Gallente Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Eve Online Gallente Name is.