Evil Name Quiz

Welcome to the evil name quiz. If you've ever thought of yourself as an evil character, you may be wondering what your demon name is. These super villains are notorious for their dark, sinister personalities and evil aspirations. By taking this Evil Name Quiz, you can discover your dark side and find out which powers or companions you have. You may also find that you have a similar evil name! The results will surprise you, and you may be surprised at the answer!

This quiz can help you find out if your name is associated with an evil spirit. Some names come from mythology, including Leviathan, which is an enormous sea monster that's considered a demon. Other names come from ancient Greek and Hebrew sources. For instance, Cozbi means "deceiver," which is an appropriate name for someone who has seduced Isralie men. Druj is an evil spirit from the Zoroastrian religion. He was one of the most powerful of all demons. Elizabeth is an English version of the Hebrew name Elisheba, which means "God is my oath".

The names chosen by this quiz are derived from Greek mythology and a combination of words. The words "Pandora" and "demon" mean "box" and "persephone" mean "destructive" and "murderous," respectively. Persephone was a beautiful human, and Hades kidnapped her to become his wife. The name Puck was derived from the Swedish word pouke, which means devil. Many Scandinavians use Puck or something similar to the names mentioned above.

What is your Evil Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Evil Name is.