Evil Organization Name Quiz

Welcome to the evil organization name quiz. When you think of villains, you think of an organization or group of villains. This is a believable scenario - even in movies and books. But in reality, you're not that different. Most of us have joined an evil organization or group at some point in our lives. But what kind of an organization are you? And how do you know if you're in the right one?

This type of organization has its hand in all sorts of nefarious dealings. The criminal activities are always driven by a grand goal - to Take Over the World, or End the World as We Know It. Whether it's stealing Fort Knox or fixing the prices of consumer goods, the Syndicate is involved in every aspect of life. These nefarious activities can range from price-fixing consumer goods to murdering political leaders. Some of these criminal activities also involve blowing up buildings or taking gold from Fort Knox. Lastly, the group can attack heroes without any apparent reason.

The Syndicate is your classic example of an evil organization. This group engages in every type of nefarious activity. Their crimes usually have a grand goal, such as Ending the World or Taking Over the World. Moreover, they're usually well-known for being involved in price-fixing, stealing gold from Fort Knox, and killing political leaders. Sometimes, they just attack heroes for no apparent reason.

What is your Evil Organization Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Evil Organization Name is.