Fairy Tail Demon Name Quiz

Welcome to the fairy tail demon name quiz. Which demon in the Fairy Tale universe is your favorite? With their dark pasts, these creatures resemble humanoids and have intimidating physiques and faces. The demon names are a mix of harsh and melodic sounds, particularly for the female demons. Take this quiz to learn which one you are. You'll be surprised at your answer!

Which fairy tail character are you? Did you name your ancestors? If so, how did they come up with their names? It's possible that your name came from one of these mythical beings! In the Fairy Tale series, the protagonist, Flare, became a demon after leaving the Village of the Sun. In the second season, he turns into a creature. The Phantom Lord seeks to destroy Lucy Heartfilia.

What is your Fairy Tale Demon Name? If your Fairy Tale character is a wizard, you may be the "History of the Dead" Wizard. He uses magic to gain control over the demon and is known as the Brahman. He is a wise and powerful man, but his demon is a very powerful opponent. He uses magic to kill his enemies, which makes his role in Fairy Tail very interesting.

What is your Fairy Tail Demon Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Fairy Tail Demon Name is.